Insider intros – Meet @baileyturvey

Insider intros – Meet @baileyturvey

If you haven’t heard about our First Choice Insiders programme yet, it’s about time you did. @baileyturvey is one of the amazing travel creators we’ve partnered with to get you that on-the-ground info and inspo you’re after. 

Our Insiders pick the trips they really want to go on and bring all the details back to you – videos, pics and loads of local recs – on social, our website, and you can find their full itineraries right here on Inspire. Go along on these journeys with them, and see what hits the spot for you. They’re all set to be your eyes and ears on the ground and, who knows, maybe they’ll show you a place you never thought you’d pick before.  

So, get started and meet our budget and adventure travel fave, @baileyturvey… 

First of all, tell us a bit about yourself! 

Hi! I’m Bailey, a travel content creator. I’m originally from Brighton in the UK, but I currently work remotely from all over the world. I’ve been lucky enough to travel to over six continents and 60 countries, which has given me great insight into the travel industry and has spurred on my love for travel even more. I love nature and adventure travel – hiking in particular – along with adrenaline activities such as bungee jumping and skydiving. Despite doing a lot of solo travelling, I’m a bit of an extrovert and love meeting new people, especially on my longer travels, and that has become a key part of my travel content!   

How many countries have you travelled to so far? 

So, back in April I hit my 60th country! Which was super exciting, but randomly it was actually Ireland. Despite basically living next door to it my whole life, I never managed to visit, and then I went twice in a month. 

What’s your earliest holiday memory? 

My earliest holiday memory was in Lapland, Finland. I think I must’ve only been around five years old and we did a husky expedition. I remember being freezing cold but everyone around me looked so happy and I was confused as to why. Now, looking back, I can see why they all looked so happy!  

Where’s the last place you visited? 

The last place I visited was Greece. I spent a week hopping around the islands near Athens. It was an amazing experience, as we travelled in a group with 100 18-30-year-olds which was fun and lively!   

What’s your ultimate bucket-list destination, and why? 

My ultimate bucket-list destination is Patagonia in Argentina and Chile. I am a big hiking fan, and you arguably can’t get better mountain views or hiking routes than in Patagonia.  

Is there a destination you love to revisit? Or are you the type of traveller that can’t stand going back to a place you’ve already ticked off your list? 

I definitely love returning to countries. In fact, most of the countries I have been to in 2024 are ones I have previously visited – albeit new places in the country! I think rushing through countries as a tick box exercise can ruin the experience.  

I would absolutely love to return to Iceland. I had the most incredible time there, but we were only there for three days which only scratched the surface. I would love to explore more of the country, and in the summer months, too, where it’s daylight for almost 24 hours a day!  

How do you approach planning your travels? Are you more spontaneous or do you like to plan things down to the last detail? 

I would say I’m a bit in the middle. I get super excited for my trips, so I like to research things to do and the best places to stay. But, I also like the sense of spontaneousness of what locals might recommend when I’m there. I’d say for shorter trips, I like a day-to-day itinerary, but for my longer ones I wing it a bit and see who I meet along the way.  

What’s the number one thing you look for in a destination? Food, sights, culture, or something else? 

My number one thing is nature spots! I absolutely love finding hidden coves and waterfalls, and swimming pretty much wherever possible. Beach holiday or a hiking trip in the mountains, as long as there are some pretty natural landscapes around, I am very much a happy person!    

Tell us your biggest travel ick – we’re talking bare feet on the plane, clapping when the plane lands… 

It has to be waiting at the front of the queue to get on the plane! I am very much the last person to get on. You’re going to be sat down for hours on there… you might as well spend as much time off it as you can!   

Is there a travel hack you discovered that changed the game for you? 

If you’re travelling with someone, booking two seats with a space in the middle rather than next to each other! This gives you more of a chance of not having anyone else sat with you.  

Tell us about…  

…the most beautiful place you’ve visited 

It has to be Cape Town and the Garden Route in South Africa. The landscapes in this region are incredible. Stunning white sandy beaches, luscious national parks and amazing hiking trails with views overlooking the city, such as Lion’s Head and Table Mountain.    

…the most memorable place you’ve visited  

The Salkantay Trek in Peru! I had the most incredible four days completely off grid, with no access to mobile service, internet or hot water, surrounded by stunning landscapes. Each night we gathered around bonfires, had a few beers and soaked up the freshest air. I met friends for life on this trip and it was all topped off by a visit to Machu Picchu at the end!   

… the most surprising place you’ve visited  

I’d say Porto, Portugal. I really wasn’t expecting much from this city… but I absolutely fell in love with it. It has some of the most beautiful sunsets I’ve ever seen, amazing food choices and was also super affordable for a traveller. 


If you want to get to know our other Insiders and find out more about the programme, you’ll love our Insiders Hub. 

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Author: @baileyturvey
Last updated: 21/08/2024