Travelling alone?

Whether you’re going for a full-on backpacker situation or a solo stay at a five-star hotel, travelling by yourself hits different. You can do what you want, when you want, without worrying about anyone else. Morning hike or morning margs – the power to pick is yours.

And just because you’re going by yourself, doesn’t mean you’re alone. Book a city break and find yourself in a whole new place filled with people. Hostels are a good way to meet other solo travellers, and you can join group tours and social events to mingle with like-minded people – hello, First Choice Experiences. Or, if your favourite company is your own, have your main character moment and treat yourself to a sightseeing trip, spa session or sunset dinner all by yourself – it’s called self-care.

With all that freedom, deciding on a destination can be tricky. Nailing down your vibe from our holiday picks is a great place to start – like Beach or Last Minute – and then you can see all of the trips to match. Keep it close to home with a short break to Europe, or go big with an All Inclusive holiday somewhere exotic.

If you’ve got your eye on more than one destination, pick a trip with our partners in flight-free adventure, Byway. Journey through Europe and beyond, soaking in the sights along the way and seeing even more as you hop off at different stops. Your transport and accommodation are taken care of, so all you’ve got to do is sit back, relax and watch the world go by from your window.

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Solo holidays this year

Here’s the pick of our best holidays…

Why book a solo trip

Top destinations for travelling solo

Plan ahead to 2025

Types of solo trips

Whether you’re looking for adventure, channelling your zen side or getting a culture fix, build out your break with First Choice Experiences.

Our solo travel tips

Staying safe

While you’re away, keep someone back home in the loop with your travel plans, join group tours if you don’t want to explore alone, and use apps and services you trust when you’re booking trips and transport. For extra peace of mind, share your location on your phone so you don’t have to message your mum with an update every two hours.

Stick to your budget

Book a hostel for a cheap place to stay (plus great social vibes) and make the most of free things to do like museums, markets and local festivals. Don’t want to sit down alone? When you get hungry, street food is usually super cheap, and you can eat it on the go. Walking everywhere doesn’t cost a penny or at least pick public transport where you can.

Packing hacks

You won’t have your besties to borrow clothes from, so check the forecast before you go to prepare for the weather. To cram in extra stuff for all eventualities, try rolling your clothes or use packing cubes to squeeze it all in. And make sure you take the essentials like cables, portable chargers and whatever adaptor you need. It’s just you and your phone, so don’t let it die – how will you spam your Instagram?

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