Croatia’s Luxury Hotels & Resorts
Spoil yourself with a stay in destinations like the island of Hvar, Rovinj or Korcula and you’ll be treated like a celebrity. The Riva Hvar offers Hollywood-inspired rooms in a harbour-side location. During the day you’ll be able to catch boats to other islands and by night you’re just footsteps away from all the best bars and restaurants.
Croatia Foodie Highlights
If you’re on a luxury break, then you’ll want to sample some of Croatia’s luxury local produce. Enjoy an excursion to taste some authentic Croatian cuisine. In Orasac, a 20-minute drive from Dubrovnik, you’ll be able to taste locally-pressed olive oil at a family-run olive grove. You’ll also be treated to an Istrian-inspired meal. Wash this all down with some of Croatia’s famous reds including Dingac and Postup from the Peljesac peninsula.
Treat yourself to a luxury break to Croatia.